| Meide XuBuddha's Marvels: From Tuṣita-Heaven to the Ordination of Five Hundred ŚākyasA New Edition of the Gilgit-manuscripts of the Saṃghabhedavastu in Mūlasarvāstivāda-Vinaya I, with Introduction and Concordance |
 |  | voorkant | achterkant |
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ISBN: | 978-3-8440-9708-5 |
Reeks: | Religionswissenschaftliche Studien |
Subreeks: | Allgemein |
Trefwoorden: | Giligit manuscript; Samghabhedavastu; religion |
Soort publicatie: | Vakboek |
Taal: | Sanskriet |
Pagina's: | 152 pagina's |
Gewicht: | 225 g |
Formaat: | 21 x 14,8 cm |
Bindung: | Softcover |
Prijs: | 55,80 € / 69,80 SFr |
Verschijningsdatum: | December 2024 |
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Samenvatting | This new transcription based on the Gilgit Sanskrit manuscripts in Tucci-Collection and the 1977 Gnolis editio princeps of Saṃghabhedavastu I. Different readings are in the footnotes. There is a concordance of the Chinese translations from Yijing義淨of Saṃghabhedavastu in the 8th Century and Faxian法賢of Mahāsammatarāja-sūtra眾許摩訶帝釋經 in the 10th Century. Some readings have also been improved based on the Sanskrit Catuṣpariṣatsūtra from Waldschmidt and the Japanese translation of Saṃghabhedavastu from Satoshi Hiraoka平岡聡. |