Recensies: 7 | Pagina 1 van 1 |
Recensie: 06.08.2002
P. Christoph Gerhard OSB Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 Werner Schwemmler stellt in seinem Buch "On the True Nature of Evolution" eine ganzheitliche Sicht des Kosmos und seiner Entwicklungsgeschichte dar. Dies gelingt ihm durch Einbeziehung aller relevanter Fachgebiete der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: Physik,... » meer |
Recensie: 06.08.2002Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Kappler Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 The knowledge we have of the world and ourselves is increasing rapidly. One aspect of this is that previously isolated areas of science are growing together. Scientists (e.g. Eigen, Davies, Hawking), humanists (e.g. Freud, Fromm, Jung) and meta-scientists (e.g.... » meer |
Recensie: 06.08.2002
Prof. Dr. Medard Kehl SJ Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 Der Biologe Werner Schwemmler hat sich mit seinem Werk "On the True Nature of Evolution" ein - in diesem Titel schon anklingendes - ehrgeiziges Ziel gesteckt: Er beabsichtigt eine umfassende und alle Wirklichkeitsbereiche grundsätzlich integrierende Kosmologie;... » meer |
Recensie: 06.08.2002
Prof. Dr. Georg Büldt Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 As a biophysicist I was quite sceptical seeing the book of Werner Schwemmler "On the True Nature of Evolution". In this book natural science meets humanties, philosophy, and religion within the context of the nature of evolution. Starting from "big bang" to the... » meer |
Recensie: 18.07.2002
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Tautz Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 Prof. Werner Schwemmlers reminds us of the unsettling fact: Everything was different after Galilei and Newton. Philosophy was no longer the handmaiden of theology. In the emerging empiricism, experiment was the method used to question nature directly and the... » meer |
Recensie: 17.07.2002
Prof. Dr. Michael Linden Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6
During the last century mankind has experienced an explosion of knowledge in all fields of science. This has led some scientist and philosophers like Jaques Monod to the conclusion that this will leave less and less unanswered questions and that therefore philosophical and theological explanations of the world will in the future no longer be needed and be overcome. This conclusion is wrong in at least three aspects. |
Recensie: 17.07.2002
Prof. Dr. Klaus Wolf Reeks: Philosophie Werner J. Schwemmler - On the True Nature of EvolutionBetween Science and Religion 978-3-8265-9337-6 Scientists who deal with problems of philosophy and theology are very rare. With the collaboration of the theologian Thomas Rutte SJ, the author of this book has succeeded in giving an overall view of natural sciences and theology which these days can be seen as an absolute novelty.... » meer |